We’d like to say a word or two about Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres. Being a celebrity out in front of the masses, all A-listers seem to take their hits eventually. But for this article, we’ll single out Oprah and Ellen.
Hopefully, we can put things in perspective with a positive take on life, which we know both of them are all about.
As the headline suggests, we are all in the same storm together with this pandemic, but in different boats.
So ask yourself a couple of things. if your dreams came true and you achieved substantial wealth, would you be in the same boat you’re in now or would it be somewhat nicer?
The next question is the really important one. Would you change as a person and be completely different from your friends and family?
We’re thinking your answer is no. So let’s circle back to Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres. No one gave them any special advantages growing up.
In fact, both stars had a rough childhood filled with abuse. Looking at their successful careers now, we see two big dreamers that are using their success to do good things in this world.
Oprah and Ellen may not articulate every thought 24/7 to the liking of everyone, but really, who does?
Is that even possible? We’ve become somewhat jaded about our celebrities, which detracts from the heart of our mission here at Jetsetty.

We want you to use these celebs to inspire you and keep you dreaming big. When a star says something that may seem insensitive to our own plight, look beyond the noise.
Use this as an opportunity to say “Yeah, that’s what an everyday person might say and I happen to be one of those. Which means I can also dream big like Ellen and Oprah and achieve my own successes.” Hey, we’re here for ya!

And now comes the “oh, and by the way” part. Yep, they’re both larger than life when it comes to giving. The Ellen DeGeneres Show host, along with Matthew McConaughey, is accepting and participated in Leonardo DiCaprio‘s All In Challenge. Here’s a list of a ton of celebrities helping out during these troubling times.
In a broad sense, Ellen gets it. As we mentioned here, she’s more about having joyful experiences, and just being Ellen. She’s not about her wealth from where we’re standing.
Ellen announced a personal $1 million donation to the organizations that the Challenge benefits. The initiative is aiming to raise $100 million for non-profit organizations that are helping to provide food to those in need during the coronavirus crisis.
These charities include Meals on Wheels, No Kid Hungry, America’s Food Fund, Feeding America, and World Central Kitchen.

Oprah Winfrey announced she will be donating $10 million to support people and cities across the country.
“I am donating $10 million overall to help Americans during this pandemic in cities across the country and in areas where I grew up,” Oprah tweeted. Oprah also said she will be committing $1 million to America’s Food Fund as well.
So the next time the wrath of twitter-storm rains down on one of our celebrities, look in the mirror and know that could be you in that very same boat, riding out that very same storm.